Mini and cart
Sidney, MT

Watching: 43
Views: 1146
Mini and cart

No trades! Cart, harness, bridle, bits and mini included. Very chill mini who turns three this year. I no longer own a saddle that fits him but he has done lead-line with kids. Pictures saddled are just to show that he is fine wearing one. This GELDING has two blue eyes and just enough white to be flashy. Safe to use in town. Shoot me a TEXT MESSAGE for videos. I can NOT send videos through this page. He is NOT GRAY. He is clipped in the most current pics so I could take him out in the hot weather yesterday. He is a dark dappled buckskin. ***Package deal, will not separate.***


Broken Yes
Horse BreedAmerican Miniature
Horse TypesStallions/Geldings

User profile imageMontana Pomeranians