**will consider trading with or without cash for 2nd amendment items** .223/5.56, 9mm, .40 or .45 only.
cheapest sub on the market with the highest power rating**
I have a slightly used Fi car audio teamv3 series 15" sub for sale, d2, 4500w rms, can take up to 10k watts on clean power. They are discontinued, bought on black fiday 2021, only 50 were made that day, but can still buy recones on their site.**sub is good to go, DOES NOT need a recone, have the original wooden shipping crate it came in new, Similar ones on ebay going for the same but it would be $200+ to ship, weighs 85lbs. Crossfire XT8k Amplifier, never went into protect mode, ran proper electrical, big boy amp. Selling because i bought two new subs and a 16k amp. $1800 cash buys the pair, throw the amp on the sub and let her eat. Or $600 for the sub and 1300 for the amp separately. Fargo, ND. Thanks!